Lecturer                       : Muhammad ismail                               Time Allotment :45menutes
School              : Islamic Junior High school                   Status                           : excepted
subject                         : Bahasa English                                    Meeting                        : 1st      
Credit                           : 2       
Aspect of skill   : writing
Straturn                        : SMP                                                 
Academic year : 2013/2014                                        
Class /  Semester          : VIII/ 2 MTSn
A.     Standar competence

Expression meaning in written functional text and sample short essays discriptive form and procedure for interacting with the surrounding environmnent
B.     Basic competence
Expression meaning in short functional writtenis text is very simple by using variety of written language accurately fluently and acceptable to interect with the immediate environment.

C.     Indicators
a.       The student identify the writing and the perpose of narrative text.
b.      Student the rewrite into sample ofthe narrative text who teacher said.
c.       Student know the sentence of narrative text and write the structure of narrative text.
d.      Studentrecognize writing form of narrative text.

D.    Intructional Objectives
In the end of the learning process, students will be able to write a narrative text of theirown stories.
a.       the student Analyze writing and the perpose of narrative text the correcly.
b.      Accurately the student rewrite  into the sample of narrative text the teacher said.
c.       Analyze the kind ofwriting sentences,and student are able to correcly the structure in the narrative text
d.      Accurately write the main idea,orientation text,complication text,resolution text.and last goals of narrative text correctly.

E.     Intructional Materials
        Expression of asking intruction and giving intruction in the class teacher and studentcomunication abaut the narrative topic in english study in  SMT n.

Asking intruction
Giving intruction
·        What ever write and know about the narrative text?
·        What ever the write folkstory?
·        Please,what the title of folkstory which you ever listen?
·        Could you write us,what dit you get of story?
·        What the structure in the narrative text and write?

·        Yes, i know the narrative text.
·        What this that?( probably the answers of questions) the are pupis unknown and never listen.
·        I listen from my course.but it litknow about the text and there is legend story from many area.century.
·        I read the story in my special book of folkstory,e.g,malin kundang,hang tuah,hang jebat.the story to intertaint the readers,make the happy and funny story.
·        The structure of narrative text is past tense all of story.so,verb which  was used is verb two.
·        The are :
orientation,complication/climax and anti climax,resolution.
·        I got from is funny and happy this is intertaint

Example of narrative Writing:A Lane Going up the Hill

1.         Identifying the generic structure of a narrative text
  It was a heavy rainstorm in Kampung Sepang. Jabri and Halil had just finished their dinner together at Jabri’s house. They were sitting in the living room for coffee and conversation, hoping the rain would stop soon.
It was half past eleven at night and the downpour was showing no sign of stopping. “Looks like you’ll have to spend the night here, Halil.” Said Jabri. “No way,” Halil said. “I’ve to be at work early tomorrow morning.”
A few moments later Halil got into the car, started the engine, and said good night to Jabri.
Something told him that he shouldn’t have turned off the lane going up the hill, but it was the shortest way home. He knew that lane. It ran across from an old Chinese cemetery. There were no lights, no cars, no people, just Halil and his old car.
All of a sudden, a white shape appeared in the middle of the lane. Halil shone his beam of light in that direction. The white shape turned to Halil. He saw a pair of crimson eyes staring at him. It was a long-haired woman in a long white dress. She grinned at Halil. At once, Halil felt his blood freeze. His heartbeat stopped. His mouth opened but he was speechless. His eyes opened wide in terror.
Suddenly, consciousness came into his mind. He quickly reversed his car and sped away just in time. “I think I’ll take up your offer to spend the night here after all.” Halil told Jabri as his legs trembled.                                                    
(Taken from Look blogspot.legend )

2.      Explain about Narrative text
·        Purpose
To amuse or entertain
To deal with actual/imaginative experiences in different ways
·        Text organization
Orientation              : introducing the characters of the story, the time and place the story happened. (Who/what, when, and where).
Complication          : a series of events in which the main character attempts to solve the problem.
Resolution                : the ending of the story containing the solution.                  Language features/characteristics
·        Focus on specific and individualized participants
·        The use of material process (action verbs)
·        The use of some behavioral and verbal processes
·        The use of relational and mental processes
·        The use of past tense
·        The use of temporal conjunctions and circumstances

F.   Intructional  Methods and Technique :
·        Method                              : Direct method
·        Teaching framework           : Three- phase technique
·        Teaching techique               : Mind-Mapping

G.   Intructional Media
·        English vidio                       : The speaking monologues of story and giving vidio by laser projector
·        Power-point                       : the slides of the generic structure in narrative text.
·        Papers                                : giving narrative story to pupils and sample of structure of narrative text.
Lecture, Ask-answer questions, and writing practices.(see eppendix)

H.    :Teaching and Learning activities
Teacher’s activity

1.      Teacher greet the student
Assalamualaikum my dears/class/student,how are you today?”this (respectful).”i am good thank you “
2.      Good morning everyone/everybody

3.      Teacher check the absen and present of student to attendance,”ok.i want to check your attandance name ,first.(discipline)
4.      Before we study our subject.please pray together:{allahumma zidnii...}
student  giving respond to teacher:{waalaikum salam}

Morning,sir fine.

Yes ,present (student l to listen the voice of teacher)

            Studentprayes together

          student ’activities
Main studying


1.      Teacher ast to student about narrative text.
“we aver listen the legenda of malin kundang” let’s try you re-remember story”

2.      Review the last material”last meeting we studiedab about wrting

3.      Teacher gives some question for. student question link with the narrative text.and teacher can to correcly the answering for example”
·        Look at,the slide and arrange the pitures which the first or start pictures and last pictures and arrange appropriate with the true narative text(narative pictures )

·        Make the number of picture in order student can knows happen in narrative story:.please “where the story happen?

·        Could you tell us about narrative text.what the narrative story?

·        What the structure which is use the narrative text.

·        Could you Explain the purpose of each part (Orientation, complication, resolution)

4.      The teacher introduse the topic of subject to student in the class:
·        O,K class we are going to studying about the writing skills.and we will discuss about the narrative story and generic structure of narrative story,perpose of narrative story,now open the books.

Whilst – teaching

1.      The teacher speak the definition of narrattive text,”what the narrative text.....what the generic structure of narrative text.”
And”Let’s to read your book and write  the perpose of narrative text.

2.      Teacher giving intruction for student to write the perpose of narrative.text,
“please look at the whitebord and write the narrative text the narrative is...’

3.      Teacher speak   and write about the step to make the narrative text.”in the narrative text there are three structure.are orientation.complication and resolution”.

4.      The teacher ask to student about the topic.”do you have question about the writing skill (focussing narrative skills) may be the are problems”

5.      If you there is not question for the topic i want question to you ‘what kind of the writing be sides narrative text’.

6.      Ask the student to identify the generic structure in pairs.”please identifying the narrative text in your book”

7.      Discuss the answer together  teacher ask to one by one to student about the narrative story.”yes,we discuss about the topic.”

·        You know about our topic,
·        Please tell me about title of narraive story
·        The sample of narrative vestory are: novel,folklore,legend etc.
·        Many samples of narrative story.you can watching  movie this is narrative story.

8.      Give some topics of narrative text to the students and ask them to choose one. They may create their own topic.”please..choose one of the title of story legend in indonesia and make generic structure and make outline ”

9.      The teacher to order to pupils  make an outline of their story.

·        “please make the outline of the narrative text which you were chosed,Ok.”

10.  The teacher ask to pupils about question if the student answered the question by teacher’’
·        “any question about that”
·        ‘very good”
·        Yes,nice
(Appreciative )

11.  The teacher take to collect a assighment from student, and teacher ask “
·        Do you understand
·        Please , collect the assigment.
·        I check in my home.

12.  The teacher play the slide from infocus/ laser rejector
·        Please ettention  the slide and then write the urgent information the narrative text.
·        I will feedback to you from the slide.

1.      The teacher check the student understanding the topic today.and give question and answer to student s,’if you have no question i’ll give you some questions.”
·        Do you know generic structure in narrative text,?
·        What the verb in use the narrative text.?
·        What the perpose of narrative text.
·        Please ,give the sample  and characteristic of narrative tex

1.      student’probably “yes or no” and the student can reasking.

2.      student,to remember last meeting

3.      The student answer the question of narrative text by  teacher.


·        student see about the slide.”yes sir,this a  narrative picture “

·        The story happen in the beach.

·        The narrative text is story about is imaginaton story becouse of to entertaint to reader .

·        The structure of narrative text is past tense

·        Yes.i explain about that,
orientation  is introduce the story the first time.for example :
once time,last century,name of character,

·        Complication is the high story this is  problem,

·        Resolution is the problem this conclution or no but is to possible text or complete text.

4.      The students pay ettention the speak of teacher.

·        O.K,sir.student open the book.and we will read the topic.

1.      The student to ettention to teacher.

2.      The student write the text in whitebord about the topic.

3.      The student write the text and pay attention  to teacher

4.      The student answered / rrespond
.“yes or no.”
·        The student answered .kind of the text.

5.      The studentpay attention and open the book.

6.      student giving answer one by one.”i know”i didn’t know”

7.      student tries to chose the topics.”i chose the narrative text,” the is respond

8.      The respond of student
·        Yes sir,

9.      The studentrespond the teacher”yes or no:
·        What
·        Where
·        How
·        When
·        Who
·        Why
5W+1H to questions.

10.  The student nothing  activities

11.  The student give assighment to teacher

12.  The student to ettention the slide and write the point

1.      The student  answer the question from teacher
Example of question
·        How to make the write narrative text.
·        Yes,i know to write the narrative text is text which to story last time.
·        The verb is past tense
·        To entertain the reader in order to happy and funny




1.      The teacher ask question to student as the reflection whith the topic that the learning today
”what do you think about the our study tuday,you are tired and you’re spirit ?

2.      The teacher closing the subject.
“o.K,class.i think enough for our subject today,thank you for ettendance and attention for our class,

3.      The teacher closing the class with pray together.
·        Al hamdallah,,,,

1.      The student respond to the teacher .
·        no,sir.we are happy and we like the subject

2.      the student listen to the teacher

3.      the student pray together


H.    sources/references
      English assesment tests’book
The sample of lesson plan’s Mr  edi rozal,M.pd
brown h.douglas, language assessment: principles and classroom practices,.san francisco state university.

I.        Assessment
a.      Technique                  : Picture cued
b.      Form                                     : Writing assignment
c.       Instrument                             : Posting a narrative text made by the students in a blog
d.      Rule of assessment                 : 1 page for scoring system
1.       Students’ scores are decided based on the score they get from the scoring sheet below.
2.      Scoring sheet:
The story contains the right generic structure
Incomplete generic structure
Good use of past tense
Comment on a friend’s work
Maximum score


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